Raffa Gibbard: Establishing Success One Contract at a Time!

Learn how Raffa Gibbard won more than five contracts one contract at a time after waiting for two years!


Raffa Gibbard is the owner of Brave One Contract Agency, a contracting company providing construction and recycling services.

Gibbard was a former army engineer stationed in Afghanistan and Kuwait, but came back to the United States to take a vocational rehab. That’s when she learned how to do government contracting and afterwards built her company in 2017.

Currently, she has over ten years experience in both construction and contracting with the Army.

Gibbard is also part of GovCon Giants where she shares her knowledge and experience of the VA Entrepreneur / Employment Track. You can listen to that podcast here


Raffa Gibbard didn’t win a contract right after building her company. In fact, she waited for years for an opportunity to come.

She was then part of GovCon Giants and the North Carolina Military Business Center. She was also part of an apprenticeship program where she learned to do sales and marketing and took advantage of the Small Business Administration’s resources.

Then after over two years, she won her first few contracts. These were two fencing jobs, but from different federal buyers. 

She didn’t really face any problem with her second fencing job in Indiana, but her first contract in North Carolina almost never happened.

She actually won that first fencing job last March 2020, but because of the COVID lockdown, the federal buyer kept putting it off until October of last year. 

However, she again faced another problem because her fence installer ended up closing his shop and declared bankruptcy.

Because of that, she needed to find another fencing company. Fortunately, the new installer provided more staffing and manpower which made the job easier and faster. 

Right after doing that contract, she then went to Indiana to also do the second fencing job. She found a company who’s willing to be her sub and they were able to execute it. 

“Things just don’t happen as people think,  like I said, get awarded, ‘Oh, next week we’re in there, we’re gonna finish it four days, and now I’m invoicing and I get paid.’ It takes a little bit of elbow grease, a little bit of tears, a little bit of breathing because to get— sometimes, it’s just obstacles and we don’t see those obstacles that we go through.”


The third contract that Gibbard won is a tile job in DC. This job, although there were challenges at first, opened two other contracts for her company. 

The problem that they encountered was that the buyer’s chosen tile color was actually too light and is not the shade that they think it was.

This was a problem because Gibbard already paid for everything, from her crew’s hotel to the tiles and other materials, and if their sub will pull out of this project, she will not get any returns. 

Fortunately, they were able to put the tiles in place… and the federal buyer even gave them two other contracts: the first one is for a ceramic tile and the other one is the same set on their first contract but for elevators. 


Right after that, a contracting officer called her to bid for two asbestos removal jobs with the Salisbury Veterans Affairs.

Because this opportunity is not publicly posted and the CO was the one who called her, she directly made the paperwork. 

“Oh, it felt great. I couldn’t believe it. I was like, ‘Really? You want me to do this?’ So, when he gave it to me, I had the paperwork back to him within probably two hours, and the next day, I called to make sure everything was right.”


Although Gibbard is happy that she won contracts after years of waiting, she knows that she hasn’t arrived yet and she needs to look for more. 

“You know what? I still don’t feel like I’ve arrived… I’m still under 200,000. And I have people who are relying on me… So, I still have a little anxiety, but it’s not so much the fear of failure; now, it’s more, ‘Can I keep it going?’”

She plans to be in the position to work on a huge contract, like an eight million parking garage contract or some hospital construction, in the future. 


1. Put in the time and effort. 

Gibbard believed that anyone can be in her place, as long as they put the time and effort to keep working and staying true to their goals.

“There’s nothing interesting about what I do. I’m not charismatic. I, you know, I got here because I just did the work. I just kept pushing.”

2. Have endurance to face challenges. 

Gibbar’s success didn’t happen overnight. She waited for years and she had a lot no’s before she came to her first yes.

The key is to have endurance to face all of those setbacks and problems. While trying to make ends meet, she joined organizations and industry days and reassessed her business over and over, until the first contract came in. 

“It (Success) isn’t necessarily something that happens quickly, but I really believe if you’re committed and you keep pushing, it will eventually, opportunity will present itself to you.”


If you want to learn more how Raffa Gibbard won more than five contracts after waiting for two years, then be sure to click the resources below.

You can also visit the GovCon Giant website or the new GovCon Edu where you learn everything about government contracting!

06: Establishing Your Success One Contract at a Time! – Raffa Gibbard


031: Raffa Gibbard & Renona Riddle Brown: Women Entrepreneurs Discuss VA Veteran Employment Track


Enough Learning! Start Doing!

There are tons of resources that you can use to learn about the government contracting marketplace, but the best resource that you can use is your experience and you won’t have this without diving right now. So, enough learning and start doing!


What is stopping you from taking the chance? What is standing in your way in doing the work and being part of this marketplace? Are you afraid of failure or are you afraid of success?

You see, we’re used to fearing everything before it actually happened. As a result, we only end up talking about our dreams and goals, instead of actually doing it. 

“I’m so accustomed to people just talking about these things and really not processing or digesting or even understanding the implications of what they’re saying.”

Aside from that, we’re used to thinking that we can’t actually gain success because we don’t have the necessary advantage that rich people have. 

Stop falling into that trap because if that’s true, then no poor person will ever succeed in life. 

Besides, with the new resources that we have right now, it is easier to gain success than before. It’s all just in the mindset. 

“The doer is the worker and the person that’s the thinker is the leader. They’re the ones that own the stuff. Do you want to be an owner or do you want to be a worker?”


Although it is much needed to learn about the industry first before actually diving into it, most of the time, we’re just stuck in the learning phase… we aren’t actually doing the job. 

This is the same case in the government contracting marketplace. There are a handful of people that are thinking that they are doing the work by creating an LLC and getting a website domain. 

However, that’s not doing the work. Doing the work is responding to a sources sought notice and building relationships with target government agencies. 

“Those are not activities that are going to get you to the point where you can have a long-term sustainable business with recurring revenue. You’ve got to get out there and do the work.”

Besides, we all know that there are income-producing activities and there are also busy producing activities. Are you doing an income-producing activity or are you just doing busy work? 


Have you planted any seeds lately? Have you made govcon activities recently? Are you doing the necessary work in getting a contract? 

Look back to the activities that you are doing in the past few months. Is it driving you towards your destination? 

If yes, then you’re on the right path; if not, you might need to be more committed to what you want. 

“In some of my content, in some of my videos, I say, ‘You have to, right, first plant the seed, then till the soil, give it sunlight, give it water, give it nutrients, and watch it grow up.’”

Besides, in the case of government contracting, it’s either you learn or you earn. You either win a contract or learn from doing the activities leading to getting a contract. 


Now, if you want to learn about this marketplace, then do so. 

Remember, the government machine is still going, regardless of whoever leads the country. In fact, the world of government contracting is continuously growing and it is providing more opportunity even in times of crisis.

This is why here at GovCon Giants, we are also taking advantage of the opportunities that come with it. 

Aside from the resources that you can see on our Youtube channel and on our website, you can also be part of our community. 

We’re actually running out of people to whom we can give the opportunities that we see on a daily basis. 

So, if you want to learn more about this marketplace and be part of a community that’s going to help you win, then join us right now!

“The world of govcon is continually growing. It’s continually strengthened. It is continuing to flourish.”


With this in mind, if you want people to help you start doing the work necessary in getting your contract, then check the resources below. 

You can also join us here at GovCon Giants or check the new GovCon Edu where you learn everything about government contracting!


Enough Learning! Start Doing!


TOP 10 NAICS Code for SAP this 2021

Government agencies are always looking for businesses to invest in, however, it is often taken for granted or missed. More than $5 billion in Simplified Acquisition dollars are ‘left on the table’ by small businesses each fiscal year. 

Through simplified acquisition procedures (SAP), rules are thrown out the window. A new set of rules are followed but it only applies to contracts that follow the specified category.

Having said that, federal agencies use NAICS code for SAP to determine the products and services that they want to buy. Choosing the wrong NAICS code for SAP could hinder your path to success.

Are you interested in learning how to win in the marketplace? Get to know the top players that have been in high demand, here’s the top 10 industries in 2021 for SAP.


Non-Ferrous metal (except aluminum) smelting and refining comes first on our list.  This industry is responsible for the smelting of non-ferrous metals, except aluminum, from ores and/or the primary refining of these metals by electrolytic methods or other processes.

Non-ferrous metals are considered highly valuable, which is probably why the collective amount obligated by the federal government to this industry has reached $229 million. 

2. 541512

In this day and age, all organizations rely on computer and information technology but many of them don’t have the internal resources to effectively design, implement, or manage the products and systems that they need, this is where computer systems design services enter. 

Government agencies, at all levels, are undergoing digital transformation. They have invested about $212 million in this industry, for SAP contracts alone. Digital government transformation has become critical for meeting the expectations of modern citizens.

3. 336413 

This is the industry that manufactures and/or develops aircraft parts or auxiliary equipment (except engines and aircraft fluid power subassemblies).

Aviation has made a significant impact on human life, one of which is the import and export of goods. With a cumulative spending amount for SAP contracts of $202 million, it is clear that the government sees the importance of these companies.

4. 541519

Other computer related services pertain to businesses that provide computer related services except those that are offered by companies under the 541512 NAICS code. They come in when there is a need for computer disaster recovery or software installation. 

SAP contracts under this code that have won are worth about $184 million, collectively, not as much as those under 541512 but it is still quite up there. 

5. 541611

Administrative management and general management consulting services provide operating advice and assistance to businesses and other organizations on administrative management issues.

Since this industry is vital for every business of all kinds, it does not exclude the federal government from needing it, which is why they’ve also spent around $184 million on it.

6. 336611

Establishments under this code are primarily engaged in ship building and repairing. To put it simply, they operate a shipyard which includes constructing, repairing, altering, and producing ships.

 In 2021, the government spending on this industry for SAP contracts is around $148 million.

7. 541330 

Engineering services apply physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems. 

This industry is quite broad, as engineering encompasses a wide range of industries, but as a whole, they have won SAP contracts worth $138 million.

8. 511210 

This code comprises software publishers that are primarily engaged in computer software publishing or publishing and reproduction.

Software development matters. The contracts that have won under this code are worth $126 million. It is difficult to imagine a successful business model without online marketing, since a well-integrated software can take any company to the next level.

9. 561210

The facilities support services provide operating staff to perform a combination of support services within a client’s facilities. The government has invested $124 million in this industry. 

Oftentimes, people don’t notice the benefits of proper facilities management and how it significantly increases productivity. 

10. 339113

Businesses in this industry manufacture surgical appliances and supplies such as orthopedic devices, prosthetic appliances, surgical dressings, etc. The relevance of the healthcare industry has always been constant, but 2021 has increased that tenfold.

Although it comes last on the list, the federal government’s spending on this industry is about $118 million, which is still an insane amount.


The ranking from this article was taken from usaspending.gov. Federal awards that were completed under SAP were listed from highest to lowest, according to their NAICS code and their respective cumulative amount obligated by the federal government.

If you want to know how to win small contracts with the U.S. federal government through SAP, check out this video entitled, “Low hanging fruit contracts (SAP) Simplified Acquisition Procedures – Eric Coffie”, to know your way around the industry.

To also learn more about all things NAICS, you can check out the website here.