SOURCES SOUGHT: Software Solutions Delivery for the Office of Information Technology (AIT)

Market Survey Response Instructions

FAA Software Solutions Delivery Support for AIT Solution Delivery Service (ADE)

1.  Introduction/Purpose

This announcement is a Market Survey. This announcement is NOT A SCREENING INFORMATION REQUEST (SIR) or REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP). Further, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. The FAA will not pay for any information received or costs incurred in preparing the response to the market survey. Any costs associated with the market survey submittal is solely at the interested vendor’s expense. Please read the entire Market Survey carefully.

This Market Survey is issued to solicit statements of interest and capabilities from interested business concerns for the FAA Information and Technology Services (AIT) Solutions Delivery Support project.

This Market Survey does not guarantee that a solicitation or procurement of any kind will be issued, and it should not be construed as a commitment by the Government to enter into a contract. If a solicitation is issued, it will be announced on the Government’s Contract Opportunities web page at Any interested party should monitor this site for the release of any such solicitation.  Respondents to this Market Survey are referred to herein as “you”, “Vendor”, or “Vendors”.

The acquisition strategy for the procurement has not been determined at this time. The purpose of this market survey is to help inform the FAA on the competitive marketplace for these services and to refine the FAA’s requirements.  No notification about the outcome of this Market Survey will be released except as deemed appropriate, at the FAA’s sole discretion.

2.  Background

The Solutions Delivery (ADE) Service provides technical expertise and develops innovative products and services to solve complex challenges facing AIT’s business partners. This includes a wide range of activities such as quality management and testing, technology standards and roadmaps, enterprise collaboration and middleware services, server-less computing, enterprise authentication, database administration, and streamlined and efficient development using Agile and DevSecOps. ADE is committed to designing new and innovative ways to leverage the FAA cloud and work closely with Business Partners in areas such as collaboration, mobility, and citizen development.

For this effort, the contractor must provide a variety of current and future IT operational support services to AIT. This includes, but not limited to:

24 x 7 daily operation and sustainment of operational non-National Aerospace (non-NAS) systems;

Application and system development based on operational technologies;

Implement and manage Enterprise Services such as Identity Access Management (MyAccess), Enterprise Document Management, and SharePoint Online (KSN); and

Support of routine AIT functions and requirements.

In addition to the above, AIT requires the contractor to provide the following support:

Contract Task and Administration and Program Management Support

Software Applications Development and Maintenance Support

Enterprise Platform Services

Intelligence Automation Support

Security Certification and Accreditation Support

The attached draft Statement of Work (SOW) provides additional details on the scope of work relevant to this request.

3. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code

The FAA has identified North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code 541519 Other Computer Related Services for this requirement.

4.  Submittal Requirements for Market Survey

Responses to this sources sought must include the following information:

General information of your company name, address, contact person name, phone number, fax number, email address(s) and DUNS number and company website if available.

Type of business such as 8(a), small business, Hub Zone small business, Small Disadvantaged Business, woman-owned, Service Disabled Veteran Owned small business, Veteran owned small business or large business.

Capability Statement – This document should address your firm’s technical capability to provide the services described in the attached Draft Statement of Work (SOW). This response should also include answers to the questions listed below. (Limited to 10 pages.)

Expected programmatic approach (in-house, teaming, subcontracting, etc.). If respondent is an eligible 8(a) certified business or other small business, provide a strategy in terms of percentage of work to be completed by the 8(a) or small business respondent. (Limited to 2 pages.)

A list of all teaming partners with a description of each partner’s responsibility. (Limited to 1 page.)

List of Questions:

For each of the questions below please provide at least one project experience example, indicating number of systems and environment (on prem/Cloud) where services were provided, if applicable, during a Fiscal Year (FY), and include the following information:

Name of project.

Contract number.

Entity for which the work was performed.

Brief description of the project.

Start and end dates of the project.

List of publications.

Name, specific organization, address, title, and phone number of principal contact of entity for which the work was performed.

Question 1) What experience does your company have implementing and maintaining authentication technologies such as Privileged Access Management (PAM), Identity Lifecycle Management, Private Key Infrastructure (PKI), Secrets Management, and Hardware Security Modules at an enterprise level?

Question 2)  What experience does your company have with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning? Specifically, generating AI-based code into development projects and incorporating AI automation into development and processes to support mission critical needs.

Question 3)  What experience does your company have with Server-less Architecture? Specifically with AWS Lambda, Kubernetes, automated build pipeline, infrastructure as a code, 12 factors, DevSecOps and integration with legacy portfolios.

5.  Delivery of Submittals

Interested vendors can submit questions to the Contracting Officer prior to market survey response submissions.  Questions are due from interested vendors by 12:00 PM ET on or before 10 January 2023.  All responses to this market survey must be submitted electronically via email to no later than 2:00 PM ET on or before 18 January 2023.

6.  Other Information

The FAA may request that one, some, all, or none of the respondents to this Market Survey provide additional information. No evaluation of vendors will occur based on this additional information, and vendor participation in any informational session is not a promise for future business with the FAA.

A vendor’s failure to respond to this Market Survey will not exclude a vendor from any future competition. Any information provided under this Market Survey is for informational purposes only and will not be released to the public except as required under the Freedom of Information Act or any other applicable law, regulation and/or policy. Any proprietary information submitted must be conspicuously marked as proprietary. The Government, to the extent permitted by law and regulation, will safeguard and treat information obtained pursuant to the vendor’s disclosure as confidential where the information has been marked ‘confidential’ or ‘proprietary’ by the company. The Government may transfer documents provided by the vendor to any department or agency within the Executive Branch if the information relates to matters within the organization’s jurisdiction.

  • Original Set Aside: 
  • NAICS Code: 541519 – Other Computer Related Services
  • Place of Performance: 

Full details via

SOURCES SOUGHT: Common Very Low Frequency Receiver Increment 1 (CVRi1)

This Sources Sought Synopsis (SSS) is issued to assist the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC) NCN Program Office in determining industry’s interest and ability to provide, repair and maintenance for the KGR-72 receiver in support of the Common Very Low Frequency Receiver Increment 1 (CVRi1) program. It is the intent of this SSS to assess the number of potential vendors capable of providing the sustainment capabilities the government is requesting. The government anticipates that the award of the CVRi1 sustainment effort will lead to a contract to fulfill the CVRi1 requirement. This is not a solicitation. USAF is contemplating issuance of a sole source contract to Collins Aerospace. NAICS Code: 334220, Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing.

  • Original Set Aside:
  • Original Response Date: Nov 12, 2021 11:59 pm EST
  • NAICS Code: 334220 – Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
  • Place of Performance: USA

Full details via

Top 10 PSC codes in 2020

If you’re a small business owner and have been trying to get into the federal arena, you are probably familiar with the North American Industry Classification (NAICS) code. It is very important in terms of gaining visibility to the government but did you know that the Product Service Codes are just as important?

One of the reasons why business owners get lost in government contracting is because of the overwhelming variety of products and services needed by the agencies. 

PSCs can help a business easily describe what they can offer to the government buyers, as they are straightforward and also narrower compared to NAICS codes. 

Most business owners think their companies stand out from their competition, but only a few have actually attempted to validate that. 

Find your competitive advantage by getting to know the marketplace. This could expand potential opportunities for you and your company. With that in mind, here’s a list of the top 10 PSC codes that have dominated 2020 and what they offer to the market.

1. 1510 

Aircraft, Fixed Wing

This code pertains only to complete aircraft which means end items, assemblies, parts, attachments, or accessories for use in or on fixed-wing aircraft are classified in classes other than this class.

2. R425

Professional: Engineering/Technical

This is designated for engineering and technical services. Under this category are services that offer systems engineering, technical assistance, and other services used to support the program office during the acquisition cycle. This excludes language translation and sign language interpretation.

3. 1905 

Combat Ships and Landing Vessels

This code includes aircraft carriers; battleships; cruisers; destroyers; submarines; frigates and corvettes; gunboats; motor torpedo boats; sub chasers; landing barges; minelaying and mine sweeping craft. 

4. R499

Support- Professional: Other

Services in this category offer advisory management. Businesses that fall under this are wide-ranging. One of the few possible NAICS codes for this is engineering services, environmental consulting services, and other computer-related services.

5. 1410

Guided Missiles

This class includes only complete guided missiles, with or without warheads and explosive components, whether in assembled or unassembled form. Complete drones, initially designed as missiles, but converted to drone use, are also part of this code. 

End items, assemblies, parts, attachments, or accessories for use in or on guided missiles are classified in classes other than this class.

6. 6505 

Drugs and Biologicals 

This code refers to establishments that provide all drugs, medicinal grade chemicals, and biologicals subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, listed in the Monograph section of the U.S. Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary or covered by the United States Adopted Names (USAN). The items in this category, however, must be formulated for human use only.

Medicated cosmetics and toiletries classifiable in FSC 6508 and in vitro diagnostic substances and reagents classifiable in FSC 6550, and Veterinary Drugs and Biologicals classifiable in FSC 6509 are excluded from this class.

7. D399 

IT and Telecom- Other IT and Telecommunications

This refers to establishments that offer IT and telecommunication services, as the name states. This category comprises services that offer any form of electronic information use and transmission.

8. Q201 

Medical- General Health Care

This code is also self-explanatory, as it pertains to general health care services. Possible NAICS codes under this category are general medical and surgical hospitals, temporary help services, and home health care services.

9. M1JZ

Operation of Miscellaneous Buildings

Codes under M1 are designated for companies that operate on government-owned buildings. Most of the industry titles under the M1 classification are specified. This code, on the other hand, refers to the construction of buildings that may not particularly fall into other categories, hence the term miscellaneous.

10. 6515

Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment, and Supplies

The items offered in this class include anesthesia apparatus, blood transfusion apparatus, oxygen therapy apparatus, respirators, orthopedic supplies, arch supports, clinical thermometers, sutures, hearing aids, veterinary equipment, endoscopes, fiber optic. The ophthalmic instruments and non-medical endoscopes, however, are not included.


The ranking from this article was taken from Federal awards in 2020 were categorized by their PSC codes and were then listed from highest to lowest, according to their respective cumulative amount obligated by the federal government.

To learn more about PSC codes and how to use them, check this video entitled, What is a PSC (product service code) and how to use it? to know your way around the industry and find your competitive edge.

The information found in this article is taken from the Products and Service Codes Manual, wherein the products, services, and research and development (R&D) purchased by the federal government were described according to its specified code.