SOURCES SOUGHT: Network Cyber and Cloud Support (NCCS) Services


This is an RFI for Network Cyber and Cloud Support Services (NCCS) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  Headquarters (HQ), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Network Operations and Security Center (NOSC).

This RFI is issued solely for information and market research planning purposes. This RFI shall not be construed as an obligation on the part of the Government. This is NOT a Request for Quotations or Proposals. No solicitation document exists, and the Government may or may not issue a formal solicitation as a result of the responses received to this RFI.

Please see the attached RFI for more information.

  • Original Set Aside:
  • Product Service Code: 
  • NAICS Code: 541519 – Other Computer Related Services
  • Place of Performance: Washington , DC 20528 USA

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SOURCES SOUGHT: D–RFI – Modernized Financial Management System ONRR

Amendment 1 – Additional Technical Information:

1. The break out of the 1000 MRMSS Community user count is as follows:
The rough estimate for the internal number of users in MRMSS is 1,000 since the application contains many ancillary functions and capabilities that have been developed through the years. However, the PeopleSoft financial and industry reporting component of MRMSS has 270 internal ONRR users, 70 of which have read only access.

a. There are approximately 200 users for Read/Write transactions (direct access to view, enter, or update Receivables, Payables, GL, or Collections data etc.).

b. There are approximately 70 users for Reporting only users (ability to run reports/analytics directly within the application).

2. Please note the types of information the 3,000 external industry users will need to access within the application is stated under the general requirements and the reporting aspect under section 10.2. Following (a thru c) are the requirements from the General section:

a. Ability to accept payments from external stakeholders on obligations recorded in the system.

b. Ability to export/import data in various formats to support accounting financial transactions, and information sharing with external Stakeholders.

c. Ability for fund recipients to have access to disbursement/distribution data. Ability for stakeholders to access account activity, history and initiate communication or make payment.

3. The SOO refers to the US Department of the Treasury for ONRR’s system requirements. Please refer to Sections 9.1.4, 9.1.7, and other areas of the SOO document for information.

4. The SOO at section 3.d. Current Environment, Page 6, lists several existing systems with which the new Cloud Financial Management System must interface. Assume ONRR will be able to use an Application Programming Interface or a web service for the exchange of information with other systems in the Department of the Interior.

Modernized Financial Management System for the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR)

1) Review and comment on Draft Statement of Objectives;
2) Complete Vendor ONRR Financial Management RFI Survey Response and
3) Provide in vendor format a response with additional information and feedback specific to this IT modernization requirement.

General Information:
This Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for information and planning purposes – it does not constitute an invitation for bid, request for quotation, request for proposal, or an obligation on behalf of the Government or a promise to issue a solicitation in the future. The Government is not seeking proposals and will not accept unsolicited proposals at this time. Vendors responding to this notice are advised that the U.S. Government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFI; all costs associated with responding to this notice will be solely at the interested party’s expense. Not responding to this notice does not preclude participation in any future solicitation, if issued. Interested parties are responsible for CLEARLY MARKING proprietary or competition sensitive information contained in their response. No classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. Please be advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned. Marketing brochures and/or generic company literature will not be considered and shall not be sent in response to this notice.

Purpose of RFI:
The purpose of this RFI is to utilize industry feedback to assist the Government, here to referred to as “ONRR” in the improvement of its Statement of Objectives (SOO) document (Attachment 1) and development of the acquisition strategy for a potential solicitation for the ONRR Financial Management and Reporting System.

This RFI will be used to:
1) Obtain industry experience, best practices, recommendations, and lessons learned from performance in a single vendor environment for scope similar to ONNR’s requirement.
2) Better understand potential solutions available to meet ONRR’s needs
3) Finalize the Government’s requirements documents.
4) After reviewing the results of the RFI, the Government may meet with a limited number of potential industry partners to gather additional market information.

Scope of Financial Management Solution:
Provide a total commercial platform solution to include development and operations and maintenance (O&M) support services in a cloud-based hosted environment that includes Platform as a service (PaaS) and/or Software as a service (SaaS) which shall be FedRAMP authorized on the cloud FedRAMP Marketplace.
ONRR’s strategy for acquiring cloud migration services aligns to OMB¿s 2018 Federal Cloud Computing strategy, Cloud Smart. This policy from OMB supplants 2010’s Cloud First strategy and the Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI), covered in OMB Memo 16-19. It emphasizes the need for federal agencies to:

a) ensure that cloud computing technology is a good fit that will provide better mission-focused outcomes and

b) intelligently account for the procurement, security, and workforce implications of cloud migration by leveraging industry best practices and cross-government knowledge.

This work shall include software development, integration, test, maintenance, audit support, system analysis, business analysis, impact analysis, documentation, reports, training, and progress monitoring using reporting procedures and measures of performance in accordance with best practices of the IT industry. The goal is to implement applications utilizing agile processes that achieve results through continuous capability enhancements, minimal downtime, prompt response, demonstrated reliability, and optimized performance with resource utilization minimized.

Submission Requirements:
If you are interested in participating in this market research activity, you are requested to review the draft SOO attached to this announcement and provide comments within the document. You may also include additional comments utilizing an editable MS Word Document. The Government is very interested in industries¿ feedback and encourages industry to provide specifics and details of additional information that may be required to improve the SOO and allow industry to adequately propose to a potential future requirement.

The Government anticipates a hybrid price arrangement.
a) Development: Firm Fixed Price (Deliverable based)
b) Operations and Maintenance: Labor Hour
c) Platform as a service (PaaS): Firm Fixed Price
d) Software as a service (SaaS): Firm Fixed Price
e) Travel & Time and Material (T&M) / Not to Exceed (NTE)

Anticipated Award Date: September 16, 2023

Period of Performance: One 12-month base period and 6, 12-month option periods.

Submission Instructions:
To provide an acceptable response to this RFI, respondents are requested to submit the following documents:
a) SOO with comments/issues/concerns indicated by `comment’ utilizing MS Word ‘insert/comment’ commands in the SOO document.
b) Vendor Financial Management RFI Survey Response limited to 25 pages
c) Vendor response with additional information and feedback to include specifics and details of information that may be required to improve the SOO to include documentation, MRMSS System introduction, industry experience, best practices, recommendations, time frames required to respond, period of performance, and lessons learned from performance in a single vendor environment for scope similar to ONNR’s requirement. Recommended COTS/Cloud solutions and/or products that would meet ONRR requirements with other known federal implementations of such/similar solutions (if any). Vendors must identify any proprietary information submitted in response to this Request for Information. The proprietary information must be clearly marked as proprietary. The government will not treat any other information as proprietary. This response is limited to 15 pages.

The Government reserves the right to contact, or not contact, any party responding to this notice in order to obtain further information for market research purposes. The government will not notify respondents of the results of the information received and will not return submittals to the sender.

All interested sources must respond to any potential future solicitation announcements separately from responses to this RFI.

Interested sources that believe they have the ability to provide the solution and perform the services listed herein should submit the information requested electronically via email to and Please reference RFI DOIDFBO220075 ONRR Financial Management in the email subject line. No telephone, mail, or fax responses will be accepted. Inquiries for additional information and/or a request for a meeting to discuss this RFI will not be accepted. Responses must be received by Noon Eastern Time on 10/03/2022. No extension in the response date will be granted. Please be advised that it is the responders’ responsibility to ensure the Government receives your RFI submission on or before the specified due date.

Editable MS Word documents are provided (Draft SOO and RFI Survey) for your response back to the Government.

1. RFI – All Documents (PDF)
2. Draft SOO (MS Word)
3. Vendor ONRR Financial Management RFI Survey Response (MS Word)

  • Original Set Aside: 
  • Product Service Code: DA01 –
  • NAICS Code: 541519 – Other Computer Related Services
  • Place of Performance: VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network 508 Fulton St

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SOURCES SOUGHT: IT Acquisition Support Services


The Government does not intend to award a contract based on this notice or to otherwise pay for the information solicited except as an allowable cost under other contracts as provided in subsection 31.205-18, Bid and proposal costs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Although “proposal” and “offeror” are used in this Request for Information, your response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal.

This request for information issued only to conduct a market research study for an anticipated requirement expert IT-Acquisition support services. Participation in this request for information is voluntary.


This is a Department of State (DOS) Sources Sought only.

Non-profit organizations are requested to read and respond to the below accordingly. The responses from this notice may be used as market research to determine an acquisition strategy for an anticipated competitive acquisition.

The Department is seeking information from all offerors that can provide the capabilities below in Section 2.





The Department of State (DOS) Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM) Office of IT Acquisitions (ITA), and the BMP front office are actively engaged in obtaining support for the development of requirements documents and assist in source selection for the Evolve procurement.


The Evolve contract effort for the Department seeks to overhaul the approach to how the Department contracts and administers IT specific services and functions.  To generate the required documentation aligning with the acquisition lifecycle processes and procedures for this effort, services are needed in developing the language and documentation required.  Within these specific IT requirements, there is a need to engage specific technical expertise to aid in the source selection process and the QA process for deliverables of a highly technical nature.

The Department requires expert IT-Acquisition support with the proposed areas as listed below:

Expertise in the areas of:

Engineering, Software Intensive System, Networks and Communication Engineering, Modern Systems Engineering tools and methodologies in the acquisition of new systems.

Development and review of technical performance indicators, measures, and metrics

Identification and development of technical standards, specifications, and outcomes

Development and review of best practices, procedures, guides, and handbooks for CORs related to highly technical subject matter

Development and review of system quality control and assurance, reliability, sustainment, and cybersecurity considerations

Identification of inherent technical risk and mitigation strategies of a highly technical nature.

Analysis and evaluation of systems and enterprise resource operating performance (not for organizational performance analysis)

IT- acquisition requirements development, alternative solutions, trade-off studies and other acquisition decision related documents (i.e., alternatives analysis, trade-off studies, market research, technology evaluations, mission needs statement, operational requirements document, etc.)

Complex IT-acquisition planning and strategy development assistance including development of formal acquisition documentation in support of an Acquisition Decision Event (ADE)/ Key Decision Point (KDP) or other milestone determination

Technical input and review of Request for Proposal (RFP); Request for Information (RFI); technical documentation (i.e., work statements, specifications, test, and evaluation plans, etc.)

Technical review of proposals, as well as technical recommendations in support of source selections

Independent testing or evaluation to ensure quality deliverables by programs as related to their stated goals and missions and contractual requirements.

Audits of contracts for adherence to established standards, processes, and procedures and validate conformance with generally accepted business practices.

Evaluating contractor cybersecurity standards, protocols, vulnerability and threat identification and mitigation.

Development of concepts, models, simulations, tools, and metrics to evaluate system tradeoffs and integration strategies and support critical decision making in writing IT-requirements.

Application of statistical analysis and evaluation techniques in relation to IT-requirements.

Development of prototypes and proof-of-concept demonstrations to determine the correct contract requirements.

Design, development and establishment of development environments.

Evaluation of current networking, telecommunications, and communications technology in relation to DOS technologies.

Review of integrating architectures and frameworks for existing and emerging systems and applications for requirements development.

Review of enterprise systems engineering principles to overall systems integration and aggregation considerations for requirements development.

Systems Engineering for acquisition of new systems: Concept Development, Requirements Engineering, System and Enterprise Architecture, System Design and Development, System Integration, Test and Evaluation, and Transition to Operations and Maintenance.

Design, development, and validation of integrating architectures, frameworks and technology roadmaps for existing and emerging systems and applications

Application of system of systems and systems engineering principles to portfolio management, integration and aggregation of mission related systems and technologies


Interested firms must demonstrate in their qualifications statement that they are qualified to perform the work outlined in the chart as detailed in section 2.  This should be demonstrated by providing no less than 3 past performance examples of providing this expertise in the federal space.

Interested firms are advised that proposed contract services will include services and actions that are not considered to be inherently governmental functions but may approach being in that category because of the nature of the function, the manner in which the contractor performs the contract, or the manner in which the Government administers contractor performance.   The contract will be subject to the following regulatory requirements:


Interested businesses shall submit electronic responses; responses must be received by with copy to no later than 4:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time on August 15, 2022.

Please submit all responses electronically to with copy to at Department of State Office of Acquisition Management prior to submittal date. No phone or email solicitation with regards to the status of the RFP will be accepted prior to its release.

Responses must be submitted electronically, formatted in Microsoft Word. Margins must be 1” on all sides, to print on 8 ½” x 11” paper. Typeface must be Times New Roman, 12-point font. The page limitation shall be four (4) pages total, with one cover page providing high level organization details, follow by three (3) pages/ one (1) page per example; but respondents are cautioned to keep marketing materials and non-specific information to a minimum. No responses shall be accepted via US Mail or Fax.

All responses shall include the company name, address and DUNS Number. The response shall also include the point-of-contract (POC) including name, phone number and e-mail address. Information and materials submitted in response to this request WILL NOT be returned.

  • Original Set Aside: 
  • NAICS Code: 541519 – Other Computer Related Services
  • Place of Performance:Arlington , VA 22209 USA

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